Friday, August 30, 2013

Hey everyone! I'm Elizabeth Gibson, soon-to-be author of The Lust of Men, and this is my first post on Blogger! How exhilarating. Anyway, as some of you may know, the book, or shall I say, novella, is still under development, but within a few months or less, it will be available on Kindle for a hopefully reasonable enough price. During that time, however, I will be posting excerpts, asking for feedback and more. I'm looking forward to interacting with each and every one of you and hearing your suggestions as I make this journey into the unknown. I've written plenty of stories in my day, but none that have quite taken off like this one, so I'm hoping you will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I'm sure it will be rewarding experience, and on that note, to the days of writing ahead of me, and to your days of reading!
Elizabeth Gibson