Saturday, December 14, 2013

Possibly the Last Post of 2013?

Hey guys! Or "ya'll", as everyone will soon be saying when I fly down to Nashville in a few days. Which is really what this post is about.

Right now, although things are improving, they've been a bit rough for me, and I'm looking forward to Nashville being an opportunity to get away from it all. That means everything; even this blog.

However, if I feel up to it this Saturday or next Saturday or the Saturday after then of course I will post and tell you all about my travels so far! But if I don't, then you know why.

But what news do you bring this week, Elizabeth? you might be asking impatiently. And the answer is I'm slowly realizing just how much work needs to be done on this book before it's a finished product. I can tell you it will be glorious, though.

"'My fair and virtuous daughter,' he began. 'I have a proposal for you.'
She smiled, knowing what to expect. 'Tell me more of this…proposal.'
A nobleman stood up, one she knew by the name of Bathos. He kneeled and rose to face her.
'I come from a land of great bounty. My kingdom has only loyal subjects. My fields are fertile and ripe with crop. The only thing I am missing is someone to aide me rule it.'

Silence, a nervous cough."

Anddd that's it for this week! See ya around...sometime.


Saturday, December 7, 2013


Hey guys,

Well, so far I'm having a pretty great day (knocks on wood twice) because I have made yet another breakthrough in my book! Well, several of them actually. Hopefully you feel as excited as I do, despite the fact that you have no idea what's going on!

I will be talking with my editor either today or tomorrow to discuss thoughts on how to further improve my book and whether my ideas will actually be beneficial and contribute to the story. I'll be sure to update ya'll on how that goes next week.

Here is this week's excerpt:

"It was as if I had woken up from a dream. I had no idea where I was or how I even got here. I looked around me and realized that, with confusion, I standing by the sign for 4th Avenue in downtown.

What the hell…?"

Another cliffhanger suspense excerpt! Aghhhh! Have a great week, and if it's snowing where you are (like it is here), then go play in it!

Just a few more weeks until Christmas!

P.S. Also, notice how I actually posted on time this week? Pretty impressive, huh?

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Howdy ya'll,

Wooooo! It's December! And that means Christmas and New Year's are right around the corner. It's the most wonderful timeeeee of the yeaaarrrrrr!

Pardon my veering off topic so early in the post. Ha, when do I ever stay on topic? Anyway, because I am now just patiently waiting for my editor to look over my second draft, there really isn't much to update you on. So, here's an excerpt!

"I jumped and quickly turned to the source of the sound. It was my neighbor, Greta.
'Um, hi,' I said awkwardly and then blurted out, 'How did I get here?'

I felt my face heat up as I realized how odd that must sound. But I really had no idea."

Yup, it's a short one, as always. How did whoever is talking get there? Dun dun dun...

Have a great week! Get those trees and lights up! I know my parents won't. Those grinches.

Warmest Wishes,

Monday, November 25, 2013

Man, You are Bad at Deadlines

Hey guys!

Shhh, title of this post. I know. But I'm not even going to excuse myself this time because I just had a weekend of hell, excuse my language (oh c'mon Elizabeth, you could have made time for your blog! Shhh.). Although you'll be seeing a lot more of that in my book.

My book! Right! You may be wondering what's been all up and happenin' with it the past week. Well, I'm almost finished with my second draft, so I plan on shooting that to my editor soon and getting some feedback to share with ya'll! I think it's significantly improving the more time I spend on it--I've come up with a lot of new ideas to make the story more interesting. Not that it wasn't already. ;)

So, with another post comes another excerpt! Here is this week's (or last week's, for that matter):

"He smiled, a sad smile, and looked away again. By now I was standing beside him. I touched his arm lightly.
'Hey.' I said.
'Hey,' he said back, softly.
I turned him around and he looked into my eyes, and I looked into his, and we were getting closer and closer when suddenly—"

And that's it! Ohhhh, the suspense. I guess you'll have to find out what happens when it comes out!

Be looking forward to that, and as always (or when I make time for it because I'm irresponsible) see you next Saturday!


Saturday, November 16, 2013


Hey guys,

So you're probably wondering why I never posted last Tuesday or Saturday. Besides having a lot going on, I have decided that from now on I'll only be posting on Saturdays, but combining what I would have written in Tuesday's post with Saturday's. Hey, don't yell at me! I'm still undergoing the experimenting process of having a blog, okay?

SO, updates! I've been working on the book a little every day, and the pages are stacking up! Well, it's on Word so...okay, you know what? Just think about it figuratively.

Also, lately I've been consulting with a self-publishing company and they've made a great deal with me if I want to publish in paperback, but I'm keeping my options open. I'll probably send a manuscript to a few companies before I decided to self-publish. Or maybe I won't, because I am a STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED NO PUBLISHER. Also I'm kind of in a hurry to just get it out there, and it's so competitive trying to publish a freaking book nowadays.

Um, you do know that the self-publishing company is still a publishing company, right?

Shhhh, brain. Shhhh.

So, what's been going on in your everyday life?

Well, not much besides that I'm getting more involved in theatre and might be starting ballet next week. Jeez, I went from doing martial arts to being a pansy. Just kidding, I think theatre and ballet are both wonderful arts that deserve a lot more respect than they already receive, which is why I'm getting involved in them! Also, I've been having boy probs, but that's pretty much been the same since the day I started high school. Ugh. Why do I even try?

I feel like there's one thing left to do...ah, yes! Why not treat you all to an excerpt? Here you go:

"Roland soon appeared, then Nefara, then Winter, Melody, Rowen, and a few new recruits after them. A twig popped under a careless foot, to which I quietly shushed them and proceeded to move on. But our progress was soon halted.
'Who are you?'
I stopped, stunned we had been sighted. Roland quickly spoke up.
'We are not your enemies.'"

What are you, then? Guess you'll have to find out sometime in the unknown future...mwahahaha.

Until Next Saturday,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It's Tuesday Already?

Holy smokes! It's Tuesday already? Wow does time fly by.

Anyway, you know how I promised last week that I would tell you why Eve wasn't real? Well, I am now. Or am I? Yes I am.

Eve isn't real because she's programmed. The real person is Alexandra Williams, a 16-year-old girl that embodies her. What for? you're probably asking right this second.

A movie. "The greatest movie of our time," the director proclaims at the beginning of the book. Well, we'll see how that turns out. Maybe it will be, maybe it won't.

Because that's what this story is about. And it's just occurred to me, in the months that I've had this blog, that I have never told you. Well, now you know.

Almost all of the people you will (hopefully) come to love and hate are in fact not real people, which is kind of depressing when you think about it. There are a few scenes in which you see the people behind the characters and the cameras and you'll get a feel for them too, but no real attachment was intended to be made. Yes, I did that on purpose.

What else is happening besides you working on your second draft of the book, Elizabeth?

Well, I finally started reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (who is seriously one of my favorite people ever--thank you Crash Course!) and can I say, wow. It's not even that it's that amazing or whatever, but...what am I saying, yes it is. Definitely a must-read, and this is from a person who hasn't even finished it!

So, that is all for now. I intend to include a lot more content in my blog posts from now on, because I know they've been pretty dismal-looking lately, but I hope you guys have been enjoying them thus far!


Saturday, November 2, 2013


Good evening all of you lovely people,

I just got back from seeing Gravity in 3D with a couple of friends, and can I say...WOW! If you go see it, don't forget to breathe. It will be worth your $16 (3D is expensive, I tell you).

Anyway, back to more relevant editor has finished reading my manuscript, and it looks like I have a lot of work to do. Basically what she said is that the story line is engaging, you'll fall in love with the main character, and it's well written, but I need more back story and expansion and it's confusing in some parts. Nothing that Elizabeth fracking Gibson can't handle!

Needless to say I'm going to be cracking down on my book over the next few weeks and hopefully fix some major things that need to be fixed (don't I have wonderful vocabulary today?). You hear that editor? I'M WORKING ON IT! I SWEAR!

I hope you all have a good night, a good weekened, a good next week, a good next weekend, a good month, a good year, and a good life. And don't forget to see Gravity (although if you see it in 3D, be prepared to dodge blown up space craft flying at your face).


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Little Bit About Eve

Howdy folks,

So, we've really only seen excerpts from Eve's perspective, but who is she, really?

Eve is your average, awkward yet lovable, everyday teenage girl. She hates the town she lives in, she hates her Dad (if you've been keeping up with the blog since the beginning, you'll know why because of the first excerpt I posted), and she hates her boring life. Then one day, she is (blessed?) thrown into a whole other world that she didn't know existed, just because she happened to see a transmission that she wasn't supposed to see.

Although I write from multiple perspectives, Eve is really the main character, and you'll be seeing a lot more from her point of view than anyone else's. But there's one thing that I left out.

Eve isn't real.

Stay tuned for my next blog post to find out why!

*exits mysteriously*

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another Sunday Post

Hey ya'll,

Yeah, yeah, I'm posting on a Sunday again. Yesterday I went to a dance and had to prepare all day, so I didn't have time to write up anything. Just so you know, I'm an amazing dancer.

Updates: Editor is still looking over the manuscript, but I should be getting feedback on it sometime this week!

In the meantime, here's another tiny sneak peak for ya:

"It was as if I had woken up from a dream. I had no idea where I was or how I even got here. I looked around me and realized that, with confusion, I standing by the sign for 4th Avenue in downtown."

I'm thinking about sharing a little bit about each character's background story in my next few posts, to change things up a little. So look forward to that!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Little Story

Hola Mis Amigos,

That's right, I took a couple years of Spanish. But enough of that. Because there is still not much to update ya'll on, I have a story for you. Remember how I said I might share a personal story once in awhile? Well, I'm sharing one now.

A long time ago, in second grade, I existed. I know, shocker. One day we were learning how to draw zebras, but because I was artistically acute I finished mine within minutes, flipped over the paper and began drawing a princess. I could care less about that darn zebra. My teacher, after finishing her explanation on how to draw a zebra with an example to follow, began checking everyone's paper to see what they were doing. By the time she had reached me, I was almost done with my princess and just adding the final touches.

"Why aren't you drawing a zebra, Elizabeth?" she asked very kindly.

Without even sparing her a glance, I replied coolly, "I don't do zebras."

Which made no sense because I had in fact earlier drawn mine, but it's what I said anyway. That night was parent orientation, and as soon as my parents came out of class they gave me very stern looks and a lecture later. Apparently, she had told everyone the story of how a child in her class had blatantly told her that she didn't do zebras, thus totally disrespecting the fact that she was the authority figure and I was some kid in her class. To this day, my parents still tell this story to everyone they meet. They don't forget to add that I haven't changed a bit.

Hope you enjoyed a little chapter from my life, and I'm looking forward to seeing you Saturday, hopefully with an update on the book!

Love From,

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Yeah, Yeah, I'm Posting on a Sunday

Howdy all!

My apologies for not posting yesterday, I had a meeting with my editor and then I went to a Timber's game, and after that Shari's for some pie and hot cocoa! GOOOOO TIMBERS!

So, yeah. I don't really have much to say other than my book is currently being looked over for anything I need to fix big-picture wise. Here's an excerpt for ya though:

"Lying in my bed, I wondered about the passer-bys. For some reason I longed to see them again.

It was quiet that night. I went outside once again to sit on the porch steps; sleep didn’t really favor me right now. Our family was not particularly rich so we had an old-fashioned farm house from the early twentieth century, instead of an apartment above Starbucks or some chic clothing shop in the city like most people did.

I gazed into the sky, lost in my own thoughts. There was no moon but I could make out the stars and constellations. And then it all happened at once."

Until Tuesday,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Good News, Everyone!

Hey guys!

First off, if you read the title of this post the way I hoped you did, cudos to you once more. Also, I realized shortly after my last post that the lyrics I subtly put in one of my sentences were wrong, but that has now been fixed. Shame on me, I know.

Anyway, on to the good news--the book is finished! Well, sort of. The first draft is finished. I'm meeting up with my editor at a cute little cafe downtown this Saturday to go over it. I'll let you guys know how that goes.

That's it for now, folks! Have a wonderful week, and hope that the sun keeps on shining and the trees keep on shaking! Whatever that means...


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Picking Up the Pace

Hey guys!

So, you know all that social drama I was talking about? Well, it's been resolved  for the time being...although not in the most favorable way possible. In regards to my book, that means I'm gonna be working on it a lot more now! Yay! In fact, that's what I'm doing right this second. Well, I'm actually taking a break to write this blog post...

Needless to say I'm much happier now that I'm making progress again. I am currently adding in even MORE content that is going to make things a bit more complex, but that's the way uh-huh uh-huh I likeeeee it. Cudos if you read that the right way.

Well, that's all for now! Toodle-doo!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Second Excerpt!

Hello once again, and today may I present to you the SECOND excerpt I am sharing since I started this blog...

"For she was not a selfish princess like many before her; but a wise and considerate one. Not that she did not have her flaws. Otherwise she could have seen through him, could have ended it before it began."

Yup, that's it. Like I said before, the excerpts aren't going to be very long and I'll probably only publish them once a week. That's because I don't want to spoil the story for ya! I just like to tease. ;) 

So how are things going with the book? Pretty well, actually. I am still in the editing phase, which is dreadful, but at least I'm making progress, although rather slowly what with all the social drama going on lately. Ugh. This is why I want to never leave my bed some days.

Anyway, enough of that! Have a great week, and see you Saturday!

Much love and please cross your fingers that all this social drama gets resolved somehow so I can get more focused on my book (wow that was long),

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sorry! Again. And Again.

Hey guys, so I know I said I was going to post every Tuesday and Thursday but after I posted on Tuesday I decided, why not lie to you all and change it? Mwahahaha. Sorry for the confusion, but really, what's going to happen on Wednesday that will be so important I need to blog about it? I like this better because it's a little more spaced out.

That being said, still not much has happened. Yep, whoop-dee-do. Bio is coming up soon though, and by soon, I actually mean soon. Like, VERY SOON. Yeah, that's another thing I kind of lied about. I apologize for that also. I'M NOT VERY ORGANIZED OKAY?!

I'm also a little spazzy, if you can't tell, and right now I'm buzzed up on Mountain Dew and candy. WHEEEEEEEEE!

Anyway, to end on an even more positive note, I am currently adding new content to the book so ya'll should be looking forward to that! Yes, I said ya'll. Deal with it.

Love and peace, brotha, love and peace,

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

NEW BOOK TITLE?! and More...

Hey there friends! Yes, it is I, Elizabeth, writing a post once more to update you on all things Lust of Men.'s not going to be called The Lust of Men anymore!

What?! You can't just change a book title like that!

Oh yes I can, and I'm going to! I just feel like The Lust of Men doesn't really fit with the story I'm writing so instead it's going to be called...


The Wrath of Men!

Yes, it's still going to be the same book, but with a more appropriate title. Anyway, on to more important things!

So, I after much deliberation (like 5 minutes of it) I have formulated a schedule for my blog! You should expect to see new posts every Tuesday and Thursday where I will update you on happenings of the book, provide you with excerpts, answer any questions you may have and maybe even share what's going on in my life. You might also get a glimpse of my personal philosophy.

I feel like there's one more thing I need to talk about here, but it's not quite coming to my brain...ah, yes! I promised that a bio will be up soon, and it will! Soon. Eventually. I'm not very organized.

Ta-ta for now! See you on Thursday!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hey guys!

It's Elizabeth again. I mean, who else would it be? Santa Clause? The Easter Bunny? Jack Black?

Whoops, there I go off subject (as per usual).

ANYWAY, I first wanted to apologize for not posting anything for two weeks and leaving you all, I'm sure, in cliff-hanger suspense. Just kidding, you probably forgot this blog even existed. With it getting so hectic and all, even I've forgotten this blog existed. But, "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!" as Jim Carrey would sing at the top of his lungs. Jim Carrey is my hero, fyi.

So what's going on with the book, Elizabeth?

Well, to be perfectly honest, I've done virtually nothing with it in the past two weeks. My book cover artist, who will be revealed closer to the release date, is currently working on some sketches, and my editor has been pushing me to get off my butt and do something, so am I No, now. No, NOW.

What does the future of the blog look like?
A long and mysterious one, for the time being. I'm thinking I'm going to post on a weekly basis, or twice a week, with updates and/or short excerpts. Who knows, maybe I'll throw in a story or two about myself. It'll get more organized as I go along. Also, a description of the book and my bio will be up soon!

What's your favorite kind of soup?
Uh, clam chowder. Duh.

And with that, I bid you all adieu. Peace out! Do-do-do-do-do subscribe! Outro of darkness then redness then whiteness, then BOOP! (only Tobuscus fans will get this reference and yes, I am an avid watcher of all things YouTube.)


Sunday, September 1, 2013

With the first day of September comes the first excerpt, and an introduction to one our main characters, Eve. Enjoy!

My first instinct was to get the shovel lying nearby and smash it repeatedly over his head until he crumpled on the ground bleeding, after which I would tie I rope around his body, throw it off a cliff, then bring it back up and with much pleasure throw it off again. But instead, I gritted my teeth and rolled the trolley while he held the heavy bag of fertilizer steady on the other end.
Hi there. I should probably introduce myself, because as you’ll see this story moves pretty quickly and we won’t have time for bonding or getting to know each other real well. So, let’s get to it. My name’s Eve, as you can probably guess I’m a teenager based on my intense hatred for my father, and I live in the most boring town ever of Camas, Washington. Like, seriously. There is nothing to do here. But at least I don’t live in Arizona, right? Sorry Arizonians.
I like staying up late at night reading under the covers with a flashlight, roaming the woods that lay not too far from my house and wishing I was somewhere other than here. You’ll come to find that I’m a pretty complex and mysterious person. Just kidding, but I am a freak. Aren’t all protagonists these days? Anyway, we should probably get back to the story. It was nice conversing with you for a little while before everything goes to hell.
It was past midday and my stomach was rumbling, but Dad didn’t care. His first priority was getting work done so he could make money, and his second was questioningly his family.
Dad often made me do hard, back-breaking chores in my spare time. So when I wasn’t getting an education, I was helping him on our family farm. He made me detest the idea of gardening so much that I wanted to run to the city, live in a crowded apartment with twenty other people and use the corn stalks that we grew every summer as tobacco in a pipe. Sounds a bit over-dramatic, I know. But one gets sick of repetitive antagonism from an ass.
You didn’t say anything. You yelled.
Quietly I filled the pots with soil and fertilizer and he planted. The only thing I could think about besides brutally killing him was food. Meat and potatoes with gravy, to be specific. Nothing sounded better.
A few hours later, we finished our work. Our hands were brown and scratchy from working in the dirt and our clothes were pretty much the same. Mom hadn’t yet returned from work at the hospital. She often worked late.
Dad went off to do his own thing, so I decided, why not take a nice, long nap?
But it was later that night that I, for some reason, happened to wake up and look out of my window.
“And CUT!”

Friday, August 30, 2013

Hey everyone! I'm Elizabeth Gibson, soon-to-be author of The Lust of Men, and this is my first post on Blogger! How exhilarating. Anyway, as some of you may know, the book, or shall I say, novella, is still under development, but within a few months or less, it will be available on Kindle for a hopefully reasonable enough price. During that time, however, I will be posting excerpts, asking for feedback and more. I'm looking forward to interacting with each and every one of you and hearing your suggestions as I make this journey into the unknown. I've written plenty of stories in my day, but none that have quite taken off like this one, so I'm hoping you will enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I'm sure it will be rewarding experience, and on that note, to the days of writing ahead of me, and to your days of reading!
Elizabeth Gibson