Saturday, December 14, 2013

Possibly the Last Post of 2013?

Hey guys! Or "ya'll", as everyone will soon be saying when I fly down to Nashville in a few days. Which is really what this post is about.

Right now, although things are improving, they've been a bit rough for me, and I'm looking forward to Nashville being an opportunity to get away from it all. That means everything; even this blog.

However, if I feel up to it this Saturday or next Saturday or the Saturday after then of course I will post and tell you all about my travels so far! But if I don't, then you know why.

But what news do you bring this week, Elizabeth? you might be asking impatiently. And the answer is I'm slowly realizing just how much work needs to be done on this book before it's a finished product. I can tell you it will be glorious, though.

"'My fair and virtuous daughter,' he began. 'I have a proposal for you.'
She smiled, knowing what to expect. 'Tell me more of this…proposal.'
A nobleman stood up, one she knew by the name of Bathos. He kneeled and rose to face her.
'I come from a land of great bounty. My kingdom has only loyal subjects. My fields are fertile and ripe with crop. The only thing I am missing is someone to aide me rule it.'

Silence, a nervous cough."

Anddd that's it for this week! See ya around...sometime.


Saturday, December 7, 2013


Hey guys,

Well, so far I'm having a pretty great day (knocks on wood twice) because I have made yet another breakthrough in my book! Well, several of them actually. Hopefully you feel as excited as I do, despite the fact that you have no idea what's going on!

I will be talking with my editor either today or tomorrow to discuss thoughts on how to further improve my book and whether my ideas will actually be beneficial and contribute to the story. I'll be sure to update ya'll on how that goes next week.

Here is this week's excerpt:

"It was as if I had woken up from a dream. I had no idea where I was or how I even got here. I looked around me and realized that, with confusion, I standing by the sign for 4th Avenue in downtown.

What the hell…?"

Another cliffhanger suspense excerpt! Aghhhh! Have a great week, and if it's snowing where you are (like it is here), then go play in it!

Just a few more weeks until Christmas!

P.S. Also, notice how I actually posted on time this week? Pretty impressive, huh?

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Howdy ya'll,

Wooooo! It's December! And that means Christmas and New Year's are right around the corner. It's the most wonderful timeeeee of the yeaaarrrrrr!

Pardon my veering off topic so early in the post. Ha, when do I ever stay on topic? Anyway, because I am now just patiently waiting for my editor to look over my second draft, there really isn't much to update you on. So, here's an excerpt!

"I jumped and quickly turned to the source of the sound. It was my neighbor, Greta.
'Um, hi,' I said awkwardly and then blurted out, 'How did I get here?'

I felt my face heat up as I realized how odd that must sound. But I really had no idea."

Yup, it's a short one, as always. How did whoever is talking get there? Dun dun dun...

Have a great week! Get those trees and lights up! I know my parents won't. Those grinches.

Warmest Wishes,